I have a question to pose to all the women out there, both young and old. How do you balance or plan to balance the work-family balance?
Now, as a female engineer (electrical at that), I know I am a minority. I know I face more challenge for equality and opportunities in the future in my male-dominated profession, but that is a battle I am willing to take on. I knew about the challenges I was facing for being an Electrical Engineer, but the one issue that has surprisingly captivated my attention is the Work-Family balance.
When I think about trying to balance working full time and running a household, I start panicking. I, like many of my generation (those in their 20’s) want both a family and career. I was raised by a strong-willed and devoted working mother, and a working father who does household chores without being asked. Yet, I also know that I am an only child, and not even one they had to worry about a lot. I like to think I am independent and records show I did well in school. They, being immigrant parents, did not help me with homework. They did, however, take me to my math and piano classes (like most devoted and doting Asian parents). They devoted their Friday nights and Saturday mornings to my classes, and I am forever thankful to them for that.
However, I ask how the heck I am going to do for my kids what they did for me. I plan, and hope, to have more than one child, which means there will be an even greater time commitment. Throw in the fact that I work in a competitive male environment, where my colleagues will stay late to finish projects, makes me question just how I will do all I need to do in 24 hours a day. (And I LOVE sleeping…). I mean, my hours are not flexible, and I really can’t work from home. So what should I do? Sacrifice my career for my children’s? Or not be the mother I want to be, so I can be the Engineer?
The examples of working female engineers I have personally met are not inspiring hope. I was at a Women in Engineering talk a few months ago, and this very dedicated and driven female engineer was giving the talk. She’s a successful consultant, who owns her own company, has spare time to travel…etc. She gave us all these tips on how to succeed in the male dominate work place, and have a successful career. Yet, in the Q&A, she revealed that she’s on Husband 2.0 and does not have kids. I understand that she as an individual did not want kids and chose not to have any, but what are the rest of us to do? She played by the boy’s rules, and worked long and hard hours to earn respect and reputation in her field. Further examples are the two women in my group. One older one has children, and the younger does not. Now, when I say younger, I mean 30 years old, which isn’t old, but isn’t that young either. The younger one has no plans to have children soon, and the older one gets here super early everyday so she can be home for her school-aged children. However, she has no prospects of advancing her career currently as she does not take on challenging projects and takes more time off compared to her male counterparts.
How about a house hubby? Hm? That sounds enticing no? My dad stayed home on and off throughout my school years as he did consulting, when he was home, he would do everything from the cooking to the cleaning to the shopping. But when he worked, my mom had to step up again and do the cooking…etc. The balance there, of course, was money and family. He couldn’t stay home all the time because we could not afford the lifestyle we wanted, plus, he likes working. Which brings us to another point; most husbands don’t want to be a house husband. Most males I know, enjoy making lots of money, preferably more than their wives. Maybe I should find a guy who can work from home? Or don’t mind being a house hubby? Hm…food for thought. Which professions can work from home?
So the question remains. How do you balance it? Or are you just choosing which one is more important to you and neglecting the other? Do you have a house husband =) ?
Friday, September 30, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Dear Sony pt 5
Hi Sony,
I get the hint. My cell phone and camera is too old. It's so old in fact, that my computer won't even support the M2 adaptor. Yes dear review-seekers, the E-series laptop does NOT support the older, larger Sony Memory stick size. fml. I should have checked because my beloved cell is so old it uses the M2 memory, which has an adaptor to a standard size Sony Memory stick, which is apparently too big for today's modern times.
Oh, to add insult to injury. The EA Vaios are now discontinued. The CA Vaio line looks promising thought. It changed and fixed some of the problems I experienced with the EA.
I get the hint. My cell phone and camera is too old. It's so old in fact, that my computer won't even support the M2 adaptor. Yes dear review-seekers, the E-series laptop does NOT support the older, larger Sony Memory stick size. fml. I should have checked because my beloved cell is so old it uses the M2 memory, which has an adaptor to a standard size Sony Memory stick, which is apparently too big for today's modern times.
Oh, to add insult to injury. The EA Vaios are now discontinued. The CA Vaio line looks promising thought. It changed and fixed some of the problems I experienced with the EA.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Hand Puppet / Loofah
Look what I found today! =)
Aren't they adorable? Yes, it's a loofah attached too its stomach. It's made of a washcloth material and meant to be used as a shower scrubber-thingy.
Aren't they adorable? Yes, it's a loofah attached too its stomach. It's made of a washcloth material and meant to be used as a shower scrubber-thingy.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Purr by Katy Perry
Has anyone smelled/worn it yet? How is it? I'm totally LOVING the bottle and I'm tempted to go searching for it. Does anyone know where I can find it in Canada? Any good reviews on it?
It's totally on my list of things to get (Just for the bottle too....a purple kitty? I'm in.)
EDIT: Got it from Shoppers Drug Mart for $20 if anyone's interested.
It's totally on my list of things to get (Just for the bottle too....a purple kitty? I'm in.)
EDIT: Got it from Shoppers Drug Mart for $20 if anyone's interested.
Monday, April 11, 2011
yay pictures!
Yay! Pictures! I just added some pictures to the C&E review from ages ago. I'm taking pictures at night, at my computer desk. My alternative is to take them downstairs with the white light and carpets (a la the coke mug pictures). Which do we like better? Or does it not matter that much? Because it really is more convenient for me to take pictures here in the study....however, the pictures taken downstairs seem more true to colour. Um, right, I'll try to be not too lazy and take the pictures downstairs.
I seemed to have deleted an old post. Oops. If you've read it, it's the one about how I deemed myself a good person. I still do, but I just don't feel the need to type it up again. If you have a copy archieved, then please send it to me and I'll repost it. Otherwise, it's gone into cyberspace trash. Oops.
Re: Trackball Mouse
I've used the Logitech Trackball Mouse for a while now, so I figured it was time to give it another review.
Overall, the mouse is an easy to use mouse with an easy learning curve. The only tricky operation I found was to drag stuff around. To do drag and drops successfully consistently took some time to master, but it wasn't a big deal and it got easier once you got more accustomed to the track ball. I’ve had no problems with it doing drawings on CAD.
It’s a true plug and play with no software installation required (I’m using it on the company computer and I don’t have privileges to install stuff). Smooth integration between software and hardware (the computer doesn’t notice a difference between which mice I’m using as far as I can tell).
The new mouse did indeed take stress off my wrist. However, my wrist would still hurt occasionally if I’ve been working non-stop with it. That, I believe, is just muscle fatigue from too much usage rather than strain due to improper support and posture.
The mouse is a decently large size, and thus does provide support for the palm and wrist area. However, I only have medium sized hands (so my dish-washing rubber gloves say), and that fact might not hold true with users with larger hands.
Overall, the mouse is an easy to use mouse with an easy learning curve. The only tricky operation I found was to drag stuff around. To do drag and drops successfully consistently took some time to master, but it wasn't a big deal and it got easier once you got more accustomed to the track ball. I’ve had no problems with it doing drawings on CAD.
It’s a true plug and play with no software installation required (I’m using it on the company computer and I don’t have privileges to install stuff). Smooth integration between software and hardware (the computer doesn’t notice a difference between which mice I’m using as far as I can tell).
The new mouse did indeed take stress off my wrist. However, my wrist would still hurt occasionally if I’ve been working non-stop with it. That, I believe, is just muscle fatigue from too much usage rather than strain due to improper support and posture.
The mouse is a decently large size, and thus does provide support for the palm and wrist area. However, I only have medium sized hands (so my dish-washing rubber gloves say), and that fact might not hold true with users with larger hands.
Goals, goals, goals
It's that magical time of the year again! No, it's not New Years, it's the countdown to back to school. My year is divided into thirds that rotate between school and co-op. So this goal setting thing actually happens about three times a year. (Better than the once-a-year for New Years right?)
Let's start with short term goals. Things that need to be done ASAP and is more like a to-do list. I'm going to put it out here so I can be accountable to someone in cyberspace.....or at least so I know there's a permanent record of it in this world.
So, what's on my goal list/things to do list for the next little while?
1. Log my PEO Hours
2. Finish Work Report
3. Finish reading 222 notes (It's a course I'm taking next term. One that I particularly dislike and thus, I figured I should get a head start on it.)
4. Review last term's Math course (Because who really remembers all those theories after 4 months?)
Let's start with short term goals. Things that need to be done ASAP and is more like a to-do list. I'm going to put it out here so I can be accountable to someone in cyberspace.....or at least so I know there's a permanent record of it in this world.
So, what's on my goal list/things to do list for the next little while?
1. Log my PEO Hours
2. Finish Work Report
3. Finish reading 222 notes (It's a course I'm taking next term. One that I particularly dislike and thus, I figured I should get a head start on it.)
4. Review last term's Math course (Because who really remembers all those theories after 4 months?)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Re Amy Chua / Tiger Mom
The internet has been abuzz with Amy Chua's book and her parenting style for quite a while now. I've been quietly reading them and thinking about what people has been saying and felt the need to add in my two cents.
First off, congrats to her daughter who got into Harvard. However, it's NOT a testament of Chua's parenting skills. Her kid was a Harvard shoo-in to start off with. You CANNOT be a prof's kid and not get into their school. Especially when you are the child of two law professors who are also Harvard Alumni. To not get into Harvard would have been a challenge. Their daughters had the perfect conditions given to them regardless of how Chua parented them. They would have been surrounded by the some of the smartest and most motivated people in the world growing up, and they would have had great role models. They had access to basically endless resources, I’m sure money or even time spent with parents was never a problem. Parenting is only a part of the picture, not the whole story. Please people, let's give the children some credit for what they achieved. I believe they would have achieved MORE if Chua didn't control their lives so much actually. They, the daughters, are clearly gifted and motivated individuals.
Second, those daughters are going to need therapy when they are older. I GUARENTEE it. They would be unable to cope with failure, constantly seeking others’ approval, and of course, endlessly trying please their mother. I can only wish them the best when they are faced with failure, because they have probably never learned what it is like. I hope they will be okay when dealing with rejection and disappointment.
Third, Madam Chua, you are a hypocrite and liar to some extent. Your husband is Jewish, and non-asian. There was no way your children would have been exposed to ONLY Asian parenting. No way. Impossible. You, yourself, are rather non-traditionally Asian yourself, and I’m sure it passed on to your daughters through your parenting. Your own life choices defy Asian parenting. Madam, I’m sure growing up, you had more freedom than your daughters. I’m also sure you grew up with less amiable circumstances than your daughters, but you overcame hardships because you were free to make your own choices and claimed ownership over your life. You defied your parents and married a non-Asian. You defied your parents and went into Law. I wonder if your daughters will have the guts to defy you in the future? I wonder how much stuff they hide, or will hide, from you to avoid your disapproval? I wonder how many days and nights your daughters will spend stressing to figure out a way to tell you something. I’m sure if your daughters got tested for their ability to lie, especially lie to you, they’ll be up there with some pretty damn good poker players. Madam Chua, as your daughters grow older, they will grow closer to their father and further from you as their father will offer them understanding and not judge them. I hope you are aware of all this and prepared to deal with what the future has in store. Actually, I know you are prepared. I just hope your daughters are prepared too.
These are my thoughts on what I have gleamed from your interviews and newspaper publications. I have not yet read the book, and I’m sure it’s a lot less severe than what the media makes it out to be. However, my worries and thoughts towards what your daughters will deal with are genuine and some are from experience, because like them, I was raised by a Tiger Mom. I love her dearly, but I sure would appreciate a less painful up-bringing.
To all the Tiger Cubs out there, I want to hear about your experiences. I would be extremely interested to see a book showing the other side of the Asian parenting experience. If anyone IS compiling something of the sort, I’ll be happy to contribute.
First off, congrats to her daughter who got into Harvard. However, it's NOT a testament of Chua's parenting skills. Her kid was a Harvard shoo-in to start off with. You CANNOT be a prof's kid and not get into their school. Especially when you are the child of two law professors who are also Harvard Alumni. To not get into Harvard would have been a challenge. Their daughters had the perfect conditions given to them regardless of how Chua parented them. They would have been surrounded by the some of the smartest and most motivated people in the world growing up, and they would have had great role models. They had access to basically endless resources, I’m sure money or even time spent with parents was never a problem. Parenting is only a part of the picture, not the whole story. Please people, let's give the children some credit for what they achieved. I believe they would have achieved MORE if Chua didn't control their lives so much actually. They, the daughters, are clearly gifted and motivated individuals.
Second, those daughters are going to need therapy when they are older. I GUARENTEE it. They would be unable to cope with failure, constantly seeking others’ approval, and of course, endlessly trying please their mother. I can only wish them the best when they are faced with failure, because they have probably never learned what it is like. I hope they will be okay when dealing with rejection and disappointment.
Third, Madam Chua, you are a hypocrite and liar to some extent. Your husband is Jewish, and non-asian. There was no way your children would have been exposed to ONLY Asian parenting. No way. Impossible. You, yourself, are rather non-traditionally Asian yourself, and I’m sure it passed on to your daughters through your parenting. Your own life choices defy Asian parenting. Madam, I’m sure growing up, you had more freedom than your daughters. I’m also sure you grew up with less amiable circumstances than your daughters, but you overcame hardships because you were free to make your own choices and claimed ownership over your life. You defied your parents and married a non-Asian. You defied your parents and went into Law. I wonder if your daughters will have the guts to defy you in the future? I wonder how much stuff they hide, or will hide, from you to avoid your disapproval? I wonder how many days and nights your daughters will spend stressing to figure out a way to tell you something. I’m sure if your daughters got tested for their ability to lie, especially lie to you, they’ll be up there with some pretty damn good poker players. Madam Chua, as your daughters grow older, they will grow closer to their father and further from you as their father will offer them understanding and not judge them. I hope you are aware of all this and prepared to deal with what the future has in store. Actually, I know you are prepared. I just hope your daughters are prepared too.
These are my thoughts on what I have gleamed from your interviews and newspaper publications. I have not yet read the book, and I’m sure it’s a lot less severe than what the media makes it out to be. However, my worries and thoughts towards what your daughters will deal with are genuine and some are from experience, because like them, I was raised by a Tiger Mom. I love her dearly, but I sure would appreciate a less painful up-bringing.
To all the Tiger Cubs out there, I want to hear about your experiences. I would be extremely interested to see a book showing the other side of the Asian parenting experience. If anyone IS compiling something of the sort, I’ll be happy to contribute.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Grey's Anatomy: SUCH A GOOD EPI!
This week's epi (song beneath song ?) is SOOOO GOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO WATCH GO WATCH GO WATCH!!!!!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Coco Cola Mugs
Look what I found at the dollar store! Don't you think they look pretty cool? I think they'll be fabulous for some beer, juice, and of course, cola. Ben, don't you think it'll fit my collection of coco cola bottles perfectly? =D
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
OPI Nail Polish: Green-wich Village
I bought two OPI nail polishes in January, one purple, one green. I'm going to review the Green-wich Village one day since it's near spring and st. patrick's day. =)

The nail polish has a decent formula, it's a little soft compared to those long-wearing nail polishes, but decently long lasting and durable. You need about three coats to achieve the colour on the bottle, or else it looks more like a lighter lime colour. The green is slightly, very slightly, more yellow than blue. It's not super noticeable and the colour does get darker with each layer you put on. The colour is opaque and without any shimmer or glitter. It's just a nice, glossy, and strong colour. It's not a neon, but it is noticeable and nicely bright.
Overall, it's a pleasant nail polish, easy to use and apply. I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for a green nail polish. It is the true-est green I have found to date. The photos for the nails are below. They were taken by the windows, and there's conveniently some real plants in the background for comparison! =)
Scheduling. Will it be my savior for next term? I'm alright with doing everything I need to do when I'm home on co-op, but I seem to have a knack for destorying any attempts at keeping a sane schedule when I'm away at school. So, with an eye on the future and with my 20/20 hindsight of what happened during the last two years I was at school, I'm going to create a schedule that is hopefully flexible and encompasssing of all that I need to do.
- 15 minutes to and from class
- 2 hour of 'me' time a day (it's not excessive at all, because I'm throwing in my showering, teeth brushing....etc time in here)
- 3 meals a day min.
- class time.
- laundry and house cleaning time each week
- 9 hours of sleep a day (yes, 9 hours. I actually function best when I get 10 hours, and at 8 hours a night, I'm like a zombie.)
University of Waterloo's new logo
The new logo is truly...non-inspiring. I was just on the school's quest website, and there was the new logo, staring back at me unapologically for its boldness and plainness. For those who don't know or haven't seen it yet, go to the UWaterloo's main site and take a look at the top banner. Waterloo, I understand that you are trying to rebrand the school as new and innovative, but the new logo is truly not a true representation of our school. Although we are not an OLD university, we are still over fifty years old and an UNIVERSITY. Our new logo makes us look like...an arts college. I kid you not. It is in league with Centennial College's logo and marketing campaign. I assume being seen as an art college cannot be the goal of your campaign; afterall, we are known for math and engineering. The new logo speaks nothing of our heritage, our history, or our academic prowess. It is bland and uninpiring. Please change it to something that incorportates our traditions, we miss our rampant lions and touch of gold.
One small sign of resistance seems to be the website title icon. Teheehehee, it's still the old one with the shield. Did the IT support people forgot about it, the graphic designers still haven't come up with a new icon, or the IT support don't know how to change it? Either way, there it is, one last small remement of the University of Waterloo that I applied for and set my heart on attending.
One small sign of resistance seems to be the website title icon. Teheehehee, it's still the old one with the shield. Did the IT support people forgot about it, the graphic designers still haven't come up with a new icon, or the IT support don't know how to change it? Either way, there it is, one last small remement of the University of Waterloo that I applied for and set my heart on attending.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Hot Chocolate Days
Today's one of those days that's made better by hot chocolate. It's snowing outside, not the fluffy soft snow, but the almost melted varity with a very strong wind kind. Work is well, work. Got hot chocolate from Tim Horten's, and no prize via roll up the rim. I wasn't expecting anything, so no disappointment. Although a new car would be nice...
Right, found a cool site, Great Canadian Rebates, via the blog Give My Five Bucks Back. I have yet to try out GCR, but of course I'll give a review on how it works once I try it out. Seems like a nifty concept. They offer a rebate on stuff bought thru their site at other online retailers. For example, if you were to buy something off Chapters online, instead of going directly to Chapters.ca, you go thru the GCR site and go to the Chapters site thru them. CGR earns a referral commission on your purchase, which they will then pass part of on to you. Sounds like a good deal to me. I mean, if I am going to buy something anyways, why not get some extra rebate on the side? =) If anyone has used it before, let me know how it goes! I will, of course, tell you how my experience with them goes.
Right, found a cool site, Great Canadian Rebates, via the blog Give My Five Bucks Back. I have yet to try out GCR, but of course I'll give a review on how it works once I try it out. Seems like a nifty concept. They offer a rebate on stuff bought thru their site at other online retailers. For example, if you were to buy something off Chapters online, instead of going directly to Chapters.ca, you go thru the GCR site and go to the Chapters site thru them. CGR earns a referral commission on your purchase, which they will then pass part of on to you. Sounds like a good deal to me. I mean, if I am going to buy something anyways, why not get some extra rebate on the side? =) If anyone has used it before, let me know how it goes! I will, of course, tell you how my experience with them goes.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Dear Sony pt 4
Oh my, I have a part 4 to my Dear Sony letter? Oh goodness.
Right, to my actual comment on the laptop. I've been getting stray electric shots from the USB ports Sony?! What the heck? I know it's winter and there's static electricity everywhere. But it has been consistent and pretty often. Why does the USB leak electricity?! What happened? I used to trust sony's quality and attention to detail. This is kind of really silly. It could have easily been avoided with a better case/better casing. I am so praying to every god out there that my cousin's laptop doesn't malfunction or anything stupid like that. I had to work pretty hard to convince her the superiority of Sony Vaios.
In other news, still relating to the laptops. I got a keyboard cover for both of them within days of getting the laptops and the keyboard cover for the 15 inch got here today. It's not very pretty (pink laptop with a different shade of pink for keyboard. I'm so sorry yuan yuan! If I find a prettier one, I'll send it your way. Actually, you can probably buy a prettier and cheaper one in China.), but for under five bucks, it does the trick of keeping out food, dust, and cat hair. The black keyboards REALLY show dirt well if you're wondering why I, of all people, would get a cover. I used to laugh at those people with a keyboard cover for their precious laptop, and now I'm one of them. Sony, look what you've made me become!
New Mouse!
I got home today......and there were two packages waiting for me! TWO! It was like Christmas, but better because I knew they were stuff I wanted! =)
It's from Logitech. It is the Wireless Trackball M570.

I got two pairs of jeans from Gap. Black long and lean jeans. I'm really learning to dislike the cut. Maybe I'll return them. Yes, I bought two identical pairs of jeans. Because I'm desperate for black jeans like that. uh huh. I did however get them for about 35 bucks each, which is pretty decent price wise. Not amazing, but decent.
The other package was....A new trackball mouse! It was shipped directly from TigerDirect. It cost about fifty dollars, plus tax plus shipping. I actually don't know how much shipping was since Ben paid for it...maybe he'll leave a comment with the total price shipped to my door. So no, it's not a cheap mouse, but I was looking for something that would give my shoulder and wrist some rest since I am on the computer all day. I can really feel the strain on my wrist when I am doing CAD work, so I hope this mouse help with the wrist pain. Ever time I think of wrist pain and engineering, I think of my old high school science teacher, Mr. Mehic. He is a Waterloo Mechanical engineer, and he ended up getting surgery for carpal tunnel. So yeah, don't want to head down that particular path. I'm going to try my best to reduce injury and strain to my little poor wrist. :)
I got some pictures in case you wanted to see what it looked like. I'll probably do a review on it once I've used it for a while. But so far (it's plugged in and running already!) it seems very easy to use. No major learning curve. I would say the learning curve is smaller than changing from mouse to trackpad (like the thing on laptops). Very easy to get used to in my opinion. Okie, picture time. (now....how do I insert pictures?! oh the journey to html begins....)
(Oh, button with a picture!)
(Uploading takes a VERY long time during the 9pm internet rush hour.)
I am going to comment on my pictures BEFORE the picture. I usually have a dislike for captions that follows underneath a picture. So here goes my first post with pictures! Wahoo! Aren't we moving up in the technology world? =D
New mouse's backside....
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Dear Sony pt 3
Alright, I've been consistantly using the sony laptops for over a month now. I've mainly been using the EB laptop, so please note my comments are in regards to the EB laptop. However, i suspect the EA is going to be very similar to the EB in every aspect. (Dear ThePurpleOne, you are welcome to surprise me and kick your sibling EB's ass).
First off, the speakers are horrendous on the thing. I know i mentioned it in my original post about the sony laptop and i thought maybe it'll improve with some usage. No. no improvement at all. I watched three movies on it this week, (from dvd if you're wondering) and was sorely disappointed. the speakers are really quiet and lack depth. The speakers on the CR laptop is definitely better. Maybe it's because the CR was marketed as a media laptop? Don't know, but I wish sony didn't cheap out on the EB and put in decent speakers instead. One of the movies I watched was Chicago, and I had to bring out my dell portable speakers to make it watchable on the laptop. Truly disappointing, especially considering the dell portable speakers are WORSE than the CR speakers, but still beat out the EB speakers. I'm almost tempted to keep the CR as my laptop when I go to school. The problems/faults the E series have are really piling up. However, I do need a laptop with a battery.....so the E series win for now. But seriously not impressed. Sony, you have disappointed me. Maybe next time I'll go for a Mac (*gasp!*).
Another thing to note, the dvd drive........not super sturdy. if you tilt the computer while it's running, you hear this horrible and scary scratching sound from the optical drive. I first noticed this when i was making backup cd's, but didn't think too much of it. but it is consistently doing that, so it's something worth watching out for.
The EB also heated up quite a bit while I was watching the movies. Not as badly as my CR does (if it did....wow. that's bad. i KNOW my CR has a cooling problem.) But still noticeable. I wonder if it will get worse with use. I hope not. I pray not actually, since one of them (the EB) is going to my cousin as a gift.
Alrighty then. Just wanted to say the speakers are crap on these new laptops and I'm very sad about that. If you're looking for a media laptop, unfortunately, please skip the EB and EA laptops. They are not going to meet your expectations.
First off, the speakers are horrendous on the thing. I know i mentioned it in my original post about the sony laptop and i thought maybe it'll improve with some usage. No. no improvement at all. I watched three movies on it this week, (from dvd if you're wondering) and was sorely disappointed. the speakers are really quiet and lack depth. The speakers on the CR laptop is definitely better. Maybe it's because the CR was marketed as a media laptop? Don't know, but I wish sony didn't cheap out on the EB and put in decent speakers instead. One of the movies I watched was Chicago, and I had to bring out my dell portable speakers to make it watchable on the laptop. Truly disappointing, especially considering the dell portable speakers are WORSE than the CR speakers, but still beat out the EB speakers. I'm almost tempted to keep the CR as my laptop when I go to school. The problems/faults the E series have are really piling up. However, I do need a laptop with a battery.....so the E series win for now. But seriously not impressed. Sony, you have disappointed me. Maybe next time I'll go for a Mac (*gasp!*).
Another thing to note, the dvd drive........not super sturdy. if you tilt the computer while it's running, you hear this horrible and scary scratching sound from the optical drive. I first noticed this when i was making backup cd's, but didn't think too much of it. but it is consistently doing that, so it's something worth watching out for.
The EB also heated up quite a bit while I was watching the movies. Not as badly as my CR does (if it did....wow. that's bad. i KNOW my CR has a cooling problem.) But still noticeable. I wonder if it will get worse with use. I hope not. I pray not actually, since one of them (the EB) is going to my cousin as a gift.
Alrighty then. Just wanted to say the speakers are crap on these new laptops and I'm very sad about that. If you're looking for a media laptop, unfortunately, please skip the EB and EA laptops. They are not going to meet your expectations.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
As the resident IT support at home (even though both parents work in IT....they refuse to do IT at home), I have the joy of installing routers. Now, our house has a perfectly functional wireless router downstairs, but they wanted another switch upstairs for their desktops (and dad's work laptop). The other weekend, my dad went and got another identical router, IDENTICAL to the one we have downstairs. Most routers can act as a switch as long as you plug in a lan line from the existing router into one of its lan ports (not the WAN port!). Well, except we have an identical router, which shares the same factory default IP, subnet mask...etc as the original. Joy to the world. Take a guess at how well the new router acting as a switch works.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Laughs out loud
Check out the latest episode of the Big Bang Theory (epi 415). Very funny. Cracked me up. I really do like Leonard.......and lmfao! This is a good episode. Kudos to the writers.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Blog Description
lol. I was just updating the blog description, and I misread the character limit as word limit. Thus, I now have a long-ass description that cannot be posted as a description. I left the first little part as the Blog Description, the rest are below:
I (Mar) hope the reviews on products I post are of help to potential shoppers. I try to be as picky and detailed as possible, to give the reader true idea of what to expect.
I aim for this blog to be an outlet for my thoughts (much like my diary), to act as a rough chronicle of my daily life. I will try to update frequently, so subscribe/bookmark and check back often if you're interested.
I (Mar) hope the reviews on products I post are of help to potential shoppers. I try to be as picky and detailed as possible, to give the reader true idea of what to expect.
I aim for this blog to be an outlet for my thoughts (much like my diary), to act as a rough chronicle of my daily life. I will try to update frequently, so subscribe/bookmark and check back often if you're interested.
Review: Crabtree and Evelyn Lip Butter and Hand Cream
If you have ever looked to the blogs I follow, you'll notice I follow a fair bit of fashion blogs. So, with that inspiration in mind, I would like to offer my personal review of beauty products once in a while. I know I myself personally will google a beauty product before buying, because you (at least me) can never fully gauge how some products are at the store, especially when you're being pressured by sales associates, friends, or just time constraints. I'll often buy something, only to realize later its texture wasn't what I remember it to be or that it had a funky smell I couldn't smell fully at the store. So I will attempt to warn and give a review on products that I get or have. I am NOT being paid to do this. I bought everything with my own money and received no discounts or bonuses that is not given to every shopper. Now, onto the review!
Crabtree and Evelyn Hand Cream:
I've been using C&E's hand cream for a couple years now. I got my first tube as a gift from a family friend when she came over to stay in Toronto for a medical residence. I got the Rosewater Hand Therapy, which I continue to love and use to this day.
It's a rich hand cream that smells like roses, not the cheap sweet rose smell, but fresh and fragrant (it really does smell like real roses...just like the ones from my garden during late summer). Another plus for me at least is that it is actually made with rosewater. Using rosewater to wash your hands and such reminds me of a really really good spa or the extravagent and rich European kings and queens of the past. (You know, instead of using lemon water to clean their hands after meals, they use rosewater. Come to think of it, lemons were probably more precious than roses back then.) The shea butter is expected in a hand cream like this, so not much more to say about that. C&E has tons of different scents, and they usually all each have a unique ingredient in them (ie. Rosewater contains...rosewater. Lavender has Lavender oil..etc).
I find this hand cream less oily than other hand creams. It's still very thick and rich, but it's not oily per say. It is absorbed quickly and leaves your hand feeling super mositurized. One thing I did notice was that if I put too much on, it makes my palms kind of damp. It's not an oily feeling, but a slightly damp/moist one. It's nice though in the winter if you're not doing anything with your hands to just let them absorb and be surrounded by moisture.
Overall, this is a nice hand cream that's a nice treat for these harsh winter days. I just got 2 for $25 at Eatons last weekend, so they will cost you about $15 with tax a tube. They last a long time (at least for me), and a tube lasts all winter for me. I usually share the second tube with my best friend or mom....or save it to give away as a present later. The cream has a pretty long shelf life (I found my first tube a while back, and it's still good...and it's 2 years old now), so it can be stored for a while. I don't recommend 2 years though...but they'll easily last half a year or so I'm sure.
Crabtree and Evelyn Lip Butter:
Last weekend, I was at Eatons and I stopped by the store (2nd floor...on the south side (queen station) by the apple store) to pick up a gift for Ben's mom. I ended up getting a Hand Polish, two regular tubes of Hand Therapy (2 for $25....So I got two. They're $18 each normally), and a small travel sized Hand Therapy. They were giving a gift of 2 travel sized Hand Therapy (La Source and Rosewater...my two favourite ones!) and 2 Lip Butter (Vanilla Creme Brulee and the Mint one) for any purchase over $50, thus the extra travel sized hand cream.
I used the Mint one the day of since I'm usually not fond of vanilla or food favoured products. The mint one was really underwhelming. It really was not anything special and I would not spend $7.50 on it (and luckily I didn't). The Creme Brulee on the other hand smells divine. It doesn't have any taste, but it smells SOOOOO good. I feel like I'm eating dessert just by smelling it. YUM.
The texture of the Lip Butter is like....well....butter at room temperature. I honestly feel like I'm just putting butter on my lips. It's a little too liquid for my preference. However, it does leave your lips decently mositurized and shiny for a while. But once again, it's just like putting butter on my lips. It might be just the thing you like, I don't personally like it because I'm more of a lip balm and lipstick kind of girl. But that's my preference. If you're looking for a rich, creamy lip product that smells divine, this might be it for you. Shea butter is listed as its top ingredient, so it's a somewhat natural lip product.
I think I will be using the mint one to treat my cubicles...><" since I'm not super fond of it and I don't really need another lip product. The consistancy and such makes it a good candidate for the cubicles I think. I will continue to use the Creme Brulee one since it just smells so good and is a nice treat for the senses.
Overall, I would not pay $7.50 for a Lip Butter. However, I do recommend you to stop by the Crabtree and Evelyn store and buy some hand cream, soap....etc and get the freebie gift (it's worth $25 if you bought the stuff in it separately). Shelf life wise for the Lip Butter, it doesn't look like it's going to have a long one. So share it if you got two and you're not fond of one, or find some other purpose for it. The tube is 14g, so there's quite a bit of product there to use.
UPDATE: The lip butters go bad after about 10 months to a year. Their consistency changes and you get grain-like particles (size of loose flowing salt) in them (I believe it's the fat in the shea butter). So don't buy a bunch of these thinking they'll last. They won't.
Crabtree and Evelyn Hand Cream:
I've been using C&E's hand cream for a couple years now. I got my first tube as a gift from a family friend when she came over to stay in Toronto for a medical residence. I got the Rosewater Hand Therapy, which I continue to love and use to this day.
It's a rich hand cream that smells like roses, not the cheap sweet rose smell, but fresh and fragrant (it really does smell like real roses...just like the ones from my garden during late summer). Another plus for me at least is that it is actually made with rosewater. Using rosewater to wash your hands and such reminds me of a really really good spa or the extravagent and rich European kings and queens of the past. (You know, instead of using lemon water to clean their hands after meals, they use rosewater. Come to think of it, lemons were probably more precious than roses back then.) The shea butter is expected in a hand cream like this, so not much more to say about that. C&E has tons of different scents, and they usually all each have a unique ingredient in them (ie. Rosewater contains...rosewater. Lavender has Lavender oil..etc).
I find this hand cream less oily than other hand creams. It's still very thick and rich, but it's not oily per say. It is absorbed quickly and leaves your hand feeling super mositurized. One thing I did notice was that if I put too much on, it makes my palms kind of damp. It's not an oily feeling, but a slightly damp/moist one. It's nice though in the winter if you're not doing anything with your hands to just let them absorb and be surrounded by moisture.
Overall, this is a nice hand cream that's a nice treat for these harsh winter days. I just got 2 for $25 at Eatons last weekend, so they will cost you about $15 with tax a tube. They last a long time (at least for me), and a tube lasts all winter for me. I usually share the second tube with my best friend or mom....or save it to give away as a present later. The cream has a pretty long shelf life (I found my first tube a while back, and it's still good...and it's 2 years old now), so it can be stored for a while. I don't recommend 2 years though...but they'll easily last half a year or so I'm sure.
Crabtree and Evelyn Lip Butter:
Last weekend, I was at Eatons and I stopped by the store (2nd floor...on the south side (queen station) by the apple store) to pick up a gift for Ben's mom. I ended up getting a Hand Polish, two regular tubes of Hand Therapy (2 for $25....So I got two. They're $18 each normally), and a small travel sized Hand Therapy. They were giving a gift of 2 travel sized Hand Therapy (La Source and Rosewater...my two favourite ones!) and 2 Lip Butter (Vanilla Creme Brulee and the Mint one) for any purchase over $50, thus the extra travel sized hand cream.
I used the Mint one the day of since I'm usually not fond of vanilla or food favoured products. The mint one was really underwhelming. It really was not anything special and I would not spend $7.50 on it (and luckily I didn't). The Creme Brulee on the other hand smells divine. It doesn't have any taste, but it smells SOOOOO good. I feel like I'm eating dessert just by smelling it. YUM.
The texture of the Lip Butter is like....well....butter at room temperature. I honestly feel like I'm just putting butter on my lips. It's a little too liquid for my preference. However, it does leave your lips decently mositurized and shiny for a while. But once again, it's just like putting butter on my lips. It might be just the thing you like, I don't personally like it because I'm more of a lip balm and lipstick kind of girl. But that's my preference. If you're looking for a rich, creamy lip product that smells divine, this might be it for you. Shea butter is listed as its top ingredient, so it's a somewhat natural lip product.
I think I will be using the mint one to treat my cubicles...><" since I'm not super fond of it and I don't really need another lip product. The consistancy and such makes it a good candidate for the cubicles I think. I will continue to use the Creme Brulee one since it just smells so good and is a nice treat for the senses.
Overall, I would not pay $7.50 for a Lip Butter. However, I do recommend you to stop by the Crabtree and Evelyn store and buy some hand cream, soap....etc and get the freebie gift (it's worth $25 if you bought the stuff in it separately). Shelf life wise for the Lip Butter, it doesn't look like it's going to have a long one. So share it if you got two and you're not fond of one, or find some other purpose for it. The tube is 14g, so there's quite a bit of product there to use.
UPDATE: The lip butters go bad after about 10 months to a year. Their consistency changes and you get grain-like particles (size of loose flowing salt) in them (I believe it's the fat in the shea butter). So don't buy a bunch of these thinking they'll last. They won't.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
lazy day...
i just spent all day watching tv shows.....grey's anatomy, house, bones, big bang theory. I did absolutely NOTHING today, and it feels sooooooo good! I think it was a pretty prefect winter sunday. =)
Friday, February 4, 2011
Dear Sony pt 2
Alright, so I've been using the laptop for a while, and I noticed another design fault. The power button, is too soft and located at the edge of the computer. now, the light makes a nice addition, especially as it allows a user to know the status of the computer when the lid is closed, but the button is in the way and wayyy too sensitive. I will accidently push the button about once an hour, if not more. It's not a big big deal since i can just wake the computer up again within a few seconds, but it still is rather annoying.
however, I will give credit where credit is due, and the new computer IS quite nice. the fan is quieter and it's a lot cooler than the CR computer (even after i got the cooling unit changed). The web quick access key is nice, it launches your default browser. Not much else to say so far.
on a completely side note, I got a nail polish yesterday that completely matched my EA laptop. lol.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Freedom of Speech vs Verbal Harassment
I was on the subway today, coming back from lunch, when i encountered a scene that irrates and upsets me to no end. A man was in the middle of the car, loudly proclaiming his belief that immigrants and their children should all learn to speak english, and that allowing multiculturalism was ruining the canadian culture.
Now, I fully support the freedom of speech. This man had absolute right to proclaim his opinion on his thoughts and opinions on this matter, however, he apparently started this rant (and i say apparently because I finally started listening to what he was saying about half way thru when he started speaking directly at me and my friend. I'm chinese and she's indian fyi.) he apparently started this rant because a mother was speaking or maybe teaching her young daughter in a foreign language. The part I find most upsetting was the fact he directed a good half to a quarter of it to said mother and child, which I find utter upsetting. While the mother may have shrugged it off, I wonder how the child felt. I wonder how much of it she understood, because she was relatively young, but I am sure she understood the meaning and intent of the speech.
This grown man had just verbally assulted a small child because of her country of origin, her race, her culture, her extra knowledge of a language, and her hertiage. Now, I admit I did absolutely nothing about it except say loudly to my friend, so what level of education do you think he has? as a response to when he started talking about how education and intellectural communication. This is partially because of my own cowardice, my stop was the next stop, my suspicion the man himself had a mental problem, and because I didn't know what to do. However, in retrospect, I wish I had stepped in and asked the man if he can refrain from speaking so loudly, or even asking the mother and child if they were alright.
During the attack, and I do call that since he attacked me verbally as well, all I could feel was rage, hatred, and hurt. I thought the days of attacking people publicly because of their cultural differences were over, especially since this was Toronto, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. However, this man proved me wrong and I didn't even have to guts to help the victims. I know what it is like to be bullied because of being foreign, and I hope no body has to feel that ever here in Toronto.
Since I have left the scene already and will probably never encounter the mother and daughter or the man again, I can only leave behind my wishes. I wish that the mother and child can forget about the attack and keep embracing their culture and language, for that is what makes Canada's, especially Toronto's, culture. The mish-mash of unique and 'foreign' cultures IS canada's culture. Sure, we archtype canada as the land of the beaver, beer, caribou, seal hunts..etc, but we are also where millions of people have a second or third language, where we celebrate chinese new year, Diwali, hanukkah, Eid, and countless other culturally diverse holidays. I hope the man gets a chance to learn the beauty of other cultures, get help if he is mentally ill, and learn what it really means to be canadian.
Now, I fully support the freedom of speech. This man had absolute right to proclaim his opinion on his thoughts and opinions on this matter, however, he apparently started this rant (and i say apparently because I finally started listening to what he was saying about half way thru when he started speaking directly at me and my friend. I'm chinese and she's indian fyi.) he apparently started this rant because a mother was speaking or maybe teaching her young daughter in a foreign language. The part I find most upsetting was the fact he directed a good half to a quarter of it to said mother and child, which I find utter upsetting. While the mother may have shrugged it off, I wonder how the child felt. I wonder how much of it she understood, because she was relatively young, but I am sure she understood the meaning and intent of the speech.
This grown man had just verbally assulted a small child because of her country of origin, her race, her culture, her extra knowledge of a language, and her hertiage. Now, I admit I did absolutely nothing about it except say loudly to my friend, so what level of education do you think he has? as a response to when he started talking about how education and intellectural communication. This is partially because of my own cowardice, my stop was the next stop, my suspicion the man himself had a mental problem, and because I didn't know what to do. However, in retrospect, I wish I had stepped in and asked the man if he can refrain from speaking so loudly, or even asking the mother and child if they were alright.
During the attack, and I do call that since he attacked me verbally as well, all I could feel was rage, hatred, and hurt. I thought the days of attacking people publicly because of their cultural differences were over, especially since this was Toronto, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. However, this man proved me wrong and I didn't even have to guts to help the victims. I know what it is like to be bullied because of being foreign, and I hope no body has to feel that ever here in Toronto.
Since I have left the scene already and will probably never encounter the mother and daughter or the man again, I can only leave behind my wishes. I wish that the mother and child can forget about the attack and keep embracing their culture and language, for that is what makes Canada's, especially Toronto's, culture. The mish-mash of unique and 'foreign' cultures IS canada's culture. Sure, we archtype canada as the land of the beaver, beer, caribou, seal hunts..etc, but we are also where millions of people have a second or third language, where we celebrate chinese new year, Diwali, hanukkah, Eid, and countless other culturally diverse holidays. I hope the man gets a chance to learn the beauty of other cultures, get help if he is mentally ill, and learn what it really means to be canadian.
canadian identity,
freedom of speech,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
EA is a slight improvement
alright, so i went ahead and started using my EA laptop today. Overall, the feel of the laptop is better. it's more balanced and works better as a LAPtop because of it. the trackpad on this one seems to be more responsive and slightly smoother. (sony, are you loosing your consistent quality? i thought you'd make each and everyone the same.)
however, i would like to note the differences. the EA came as a home premium, complete with sony's collection of bloatware, whereas the for the EB, i paid extra for it to have a 'fresh start'. Now, there are a LOT of application differences between the two. I'm going to have to spend some time figureing out which to keep on the EA and which to uninstall from the system. The extra applications seriously put a damper on the startup speed though. the two cpu's differ by 0.3ghz, which isn't that big of a deal, yet the EB has a MUCH faster load time. Time to get out the pruners and do some snipping on the background applications.
Right, that's all i have to say about the laptop. I'm glad I got a EA for myself. the EB was driving me bonkers.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Dear Sony
Dear Sony,
I am a huge fan of yours, seriously, i'm a true sony fan girl. However, i'm not feeling the love right now. You see, I just got a new E-series and I'm finding design flaws. No, this isn't my first vaio; I own a CR120 as well. The CR had the problem with the wobbly battery...and you have since fixed that with the newer models. Yet this E model is driving me bonkers. I bought a EB AND an EA (one for me, and one for my cousin). I'm currently using the EB one, so maybe some of my complaints will go away with the smaller EA one. But let's allow me to list below what's annoying me about the new EB computer design:
1) Why is the trackpad on the LEFT side? it causes one of my shoulders to over extend and thus straining it when I'm using it. Now, from what I have read online, I understand it's to place the trackpad underneath the space bar so that our hands don't rest on it while we're typing. I understand and can appreciate why it's on the left side on the EB model, but why in the world prompted you to just copy and past the handrest/trackpad design onto the EA model?! The EA model has a CENTERED keyboard (the ONLY reason I bought one...so i WOULDN"T have to strain my shoulders and neck working on a lopsided screen), so why is the trackpad placed on the left side still?
2) why is the trackpad textured? a) I've read that after some usage, it becomes smooth..now, i assume this is because dirt and etc gets into the little holes that create the texture of the trackpad. So...why is it textured? just so it can become a dirt trap forever? b) the texture is making my finger NUMB and SORE. Er....not a good sign if your customer is in pain from using it. Please offer some sort of solution to this. What if i put a touch-screen film protector on it? will it still work? and take away the texture? cause i really really really really like my smoooooooooooth trackpad. like really like it.
3) why is there a distinct ledge from the trackpad to the buttons? again, are we aiming for a dirt trap? because I see one....
4) Did you downgrade your speakers or something? sounds pretty bad....i think worse than the CR model. This might change with some usage I understand, so i'll let it slide for a little while under I have further proof either way.
5) Why is this new screen design so dangerous? my fingers are getting caught when I open it.....as are my loose pj bottoms...........
6) which bring me to my next complaint. the dc plug is on the side. i figure it must have been placed there to to keep the back devoid of ports so that the screen can open. However, this design interferes with my habit of holding my computer between my legs...odd i know, but it keeps the computer cool and in my lap.
7) which again brings me to another point. The screen no longer bends flat. You might not realize the benefits of it, but there are plenty. For example, I can lie in bed and read stuff.....while holding it up with one hand. The viewing angle on the laptop isn't good enough to do so without the screen bending a whole 170 degrees or so. So you see my dilemma, no more movies or novels in bed then. (so what's the point of having a laptop again if i must sit at my desk and work on it?!)
8) why does pressing vaio...the 'one touch access' buton...only bring up mute/un-mute. where's my camera access? do i now have to launch the application myself whenever i want to take a quick picture? or see how my hair is? also, my volume keys are also missing.....which again greatly inconviences me. i now have to press two buttons to change the volume? My CR has all the regular playback controls as well.....but i understand if you do away with them. but please bring back volume control. it's a true hassel to have to use fn keys to change volume. Sony, the laptops are after all called VAIO's.......you know....audio IS in the title...
Alright, the end of my letter has come. My last question to you is, is there a way I can exchange the internal components of the two computers? the CR and EA? Because then it'd be a pretty prefect combination. If it's possible (and you see this letter), please tell me how to do it. I'm willing to pay a decent sum of money to get the above mentioned 8 issues resolved.
Thanks, and have a good day. Please stop making idiotic design decisions. (and I haven't even started on the colours and the doted graphic design yet. *sigh* at least i don't have to see it when i'm using hte computer...)
Yours Sincerly,
I am a huge fan of yours, seriously, i'm a true sony fan girl. However, i'm not feeling the love right now. You see, I just got a new E-series and I'm finding design flaws. No, this isn't my first vaio; I own a CR120 as well. The CR had the problem with the wobbly battery...and you have since fixed that with the newer models. Yet this E model is driving me bonkers. I bought a EB AND an EA (one for me, and one for my cousin). I'm currently using the EB one, so maybe some of my complaints will go away with the smaller EA one. But let's allow me to list below what's annoying me about the new EB computer design:
1) Why is the trackpad on the LEFT side? it causes one of my shoulders to over extend and thus straining it when I'm using it. Now, from what I have read online, I understand it's to place the trackpad underneath the space bar so that our hands don't rest on it while we're typing. I understand and can appreciate why it's on the left side on the EB model, but why in the world prompted you to just copy and past the handrest/trackpad design onto the EA model?! The EA model has a CENTERED keyboard (the ONLY reason I bought one...so i WOULDN"T have to strain my shoulders and neck working on a lopsided screen), so why is the trackpad placed on the left side still?
2) why is the trackpad textured? a) I've read that after some usage, it becomes smooth..now, i assume this is because dirt and etc gets into the little holes that create the texture of the trackpad. So...why is it textured? just so it can become a dirt trap forever? b) the texture is making my finger NUMB and SORE. Er....not a good sign if your customer is in pain from using it. Please offer some sort of solution to this. What if i put a touch-screen film protector on it? will it still work? and take away the texture? cause i really really really really like my smoooooooooooth trackpad. like really like it.
3) why is there a distinct ledge from the trackpad to the buttons? again, are we aiming for a dirt trap? because I see one....
4) Did you downgrade your speakers or something? sounds pretty bad....i think worse than the CR model. This might change with some usage I understand, so i'll let it slide for a little while under I have further proof either way.
5) Why is this new screen design so dangerous? my fingers are getting caught when I open it.....as are my loose pj bottoms...........
6) which bring me to my next complaint. the dc plug is on the side. i figure it must have been placed there to to keep the back devoid of ports so that the screen can open. However, this design interferes with my habit of holding my computer between my legs...odd i know, but it keeps the computer cool and in my lap.
7) which again brings me to another point. The screen no longer bends flat. You might not realize the benefits of it, but there are plenty. For example, I can lie in bed and read stuff.....while holding it up with one hand. The viewing angle on the laptop isn't good enough to do so without the screen bending a whole 170 degrees or so. So you see my dilemma, no more movies or novels in bed then. (so what's the point of having a laptop again if i must sit at my desk and work on it?!)
8) why does pressing vaio...the 'one touch access' buton...only bring up mute/un-mute. where's my camera access? do i now have to launch the application myself whenever i want to take a quick picture? or see how my hair is? also, my volume keys are also missing.....which again greatly inconviences me. i now have to press two buttons to change the volume? My CR has all the regular playback controls as well.....but i understand if you do away with them. but please bring back volume control. it's a true hassel to have to use fn keys to change volume. Sony, the laptops are after all called VAIO's.......you know....audio IS in the title...
Alright, the end of my letter has come. My last question to you is, is there a way I can exchange the internal components of the two computers? the CR and EA? Because then it'd be a pretty prefect combination. If it's possible (and you see this letter), please tell me how to do it. I'm willing to pay a decent sum of money to get the above mentioned 8 issues resolved.
Thanks, and have a good day. Please stop making idiotic design decisions. (and I haven't even started on the colours and the doted graphic design yet. *sigh* at least i don't have to see it when i'm using hte computer...)
Yours Sincerly,
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