Wednesday, August 5, 2015

23 Before 24

  1. Weight goal: 140lb
  2. Learn to ride motor cycle
  3. bake cookies
  4. Travel 

yeah. that's how far things got in year 23.... 

24 Before 25

Oh ho, looks like I didn't even finish MAKING a list of 23 before 24 last year. Bad Girl!

However, 23 was a very sweet year for me. Lots of growth and new experiences. I don't think there's anything I regret or truly dislike about year 23. =) Now, onto the list for 24 before 25, quarter century!

1. Sky Dive
2. Go on a tropical vacation Does Spain count? It was hot in southern Spain...Palm trees and everything!
3. Learn to dance - swing dance perhaps?
4. Read at least 12 books. One per month isn't too hard!
5. Go on a winery tour.
6. Climb Maccu Picu - Inca trail
7. Pick up the Viola again
8. Paint a painting
9. Practice calligraphy
10. Move out on my own  50 Stephanie St. Check.
11. Have that serious adult conversation with my parents  Been having lots of those.
12. Go horseback riding
13. Achieve my 'ideal' weight. 140 lbs perhaps?
14. Visit Richview CI
15. Wine appreciation. Learn and drink up!
16. Go on a road trip  PEI 3-day road trip. Yup.
17. Go camping
18. Row or Canoe or Kayak Dragon Boat. Close enough.
19. Make Curry
20. Make tomato sauce AND made dinner for Ray, Andrew, and Sam.
21. Make a budget and stick to it. Track money spending.
22. Learn one completely new piano piece
23. Learn how to use a sewing machine
24. Start a business